A Water Depot Ultraviolet system uses UV light to inactivate water-borne microorganisms, drastically improving the quality of your water. Powerful, yet compact Water Depot’s UV system with pre-filtration is designed for the average size home or cottage, for flow rates up to 9 gpm. It is designed to remove sediment, rust and dirt, all while it inactivates 99.99% of chlorine resistant parasites such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and harmful bacteria such as E.Coli.
- Counts down the days until annual lamp replacement
- Power Consumption: 35W/ 100-240V
Package Includes:
- Ultraviolet Light System
- Quartz Sleeve
- Ultraviolet Bulb
- Ultraviolet Ballast with fully functional LCD Display with audible countdown timer
- Single mounted rack bracket with 10″ BB pre-filter sump
- 5 Micron 10″ BB Polypropylene Filter
- All Installation Components
Unit Sizing:
- Dimensions: 17″ x 10.5″ x 18″ (43cm x 26cm x 45.7cm)
- Inlet Dimensions: 1″ FPT
- Outlet Dimensions: 3/4″ MPT and 1″ MPT
** Pre-treatment may be required. For the system to perform as tested, the following water quality parameters must be met:
Hardness <120 mb/L (7gpg)
Iron <0.3 mb/L (ppm)
Manganese <0.05mg/L (ppm)
Tannins <0.1mg/L (ppm)
Turbidity <1 NTU
Transmittance >75% UVT